Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Our First Puerto Rican President, and a Burnt Mailbox (RIP)

Before I begin this post, I just want everyone to know that I am aware of how much I suck at updating this blog. It's pathetic. I promise to get better.
For now, enjoy the latest news as well a bonus - as two of my favorite pictures. My gift to you for your patience.

Last week, Dona was helping Margie & Rob clean her grandparents house so I took David to a park. While there, a little boy and his dad were setting up one of those small, portable soccer goals to kick a soccer ball around with. As soon as David saw that, he raced over to the boy and said, "Hi, my name is David and I start playing soccer ball on 30 March. What's your name?" Yeah, he'll be the President one day. He has absolutely no problem going up and talking to people. BTW, off the record, he caught on quick. He is soooo coordinated, it's amazing. Wait 'til you see him throw a tight spiral! I already have him on a strict dietary and exercise program, and even massage his hamstrings with evaporated milk every night before bedtime to stimulate his vertical and 40 times.

Yeah, so last week when I was in Boston, some punk ass kids lit our mailbox on fire. Yeah, it was stupid. However, our neighbor (who happens to be the wife of a local Fire Chief, and therefore expertly prepared for such an occurance) snuffed it out in less than a minute with her fire extinguisher. Aside from losing some junk mail, which is always a good thing, nothing happened. I'm actually glad it happened. Our old mailbox was ugly. The new one really isn't much prettier, but it's built like a godddamned tank. I'll be damned if this shit happens to us again! Bastards! I installed it this week. I replaced the post, painted it, and screwed in the new mailbox, complete with stylish looking brushed nickel numbers. Give me a few days to post the before and afters.

No Pressure at All

I'm sorry its been so long since I have communicated with y'all. I'm pathetic in trying to keep up with this damn blog. Two weeks ago I was in LA, last week I was in Boston, and this week I have been trying to catch up. Also, that $4 million show is around the corner, and things are heating up. If I can make this show work, it will be one of my biggest accomplishments in my professional career, by far. I have never done anything this difficult, and in turn, could open up all kinds of opportunities. We'll see how it goes.

Yesterday was an incredible day, sunny, probably in the low 70's, nice and breezy. Dona and I walked around the lake while David rode his bike. Poor little guy damn near cracked his head wide open, as he forgot how to use his brakes and headed downhill toward a bunch of big rocks! Luckily he got up without a scratch on him. As active and crazy and wild as he is, I am still in shock we haven't been to the emergency room yet. At this point its not a question of if, but when. I am definitely not looking forward to that day.